Propose we share our great gear deals with others. In this economy, any sales or great prices we find on needed/replacement gear would not only help each other, but by doing so we can help restore the confidence and spending habits that were lost. This is not about spending frivolously, but buying with an end in mind and buying what's needed.

As posted by Jakam in the water bottle post, I too found the $3.99 stainless steel water bottles at my neighborhood Walgreens. I got four of them...including one red one for fuels, and a 500ml one for my son to carry when we go camping.

Also found a North Face "Bullhead" hydration pack for $25, instead of the regular $45, at my nearby Sports Authority. I know it's only a 50oz reservoir, but that's plenty big for a small trek, with room enough to put my PSK and medical kits. PLUS it has rare earth magnets on the bite valve and the sternum strap, PLUS it has a very loud whistle built into the buckle of the sternum strap. This a such a great feature! Anytime I can get NF gear on sale is such a thrill. When I need my 100oz pack, my son can carry the 50oz.

Anybody else know of any GREAT deals to share?
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud