Actually, if you think about it, the "Internet" can be shut down, at least within a region.

How does this miracle of information get into your house? Either over phone lines, through a satellite or through a cable modem. And someone must own the lines/cables/satellites or else I wouldn't have to pay for it every month.

So yes, while it may be "difficult" to shut down the internet, it's probably not impossible. All Uncle has to do is force the ISPs to cease supplying service. And yes, this may be as simple as throwing a switch or a breaker. Once the servers are down, no connection, no internet. Sure, it's still out there, but you can't get there from here.

Can "they" do it, dunno. Could it be done - sure. Could it be enforced - possibly, but what a nightmare. It could entail stationing guards at every server farm of every internet provider in the US, and some in Canada and Mexico I would imagine.

Just another reason to love your government. They think things through so well before implementing them.