> Judging by the pot shape under the reflector it is a cone type collector.
> (like a parabola but with the focal point under it instead of above it, am
> I guessing right?)

I have no clue, I'm sorry to say. The owner spent a few hundred bucks on it, and it worked like a charm.

> It looks a bit complex to just whack together in an emergency though,
> and it looks a bit big to haul.

That's the point of the original post: the homemade cooker can be whacked together after a big earthquake or whatever and used to cook when you've got no alternatives. Solar cookers really work, as the photo shows, even in mild weather.

As an aside, my wife baked an apple pie while we were there. She used our Weber BBQ grill and a card board box. There are all sorts of improvisations depending on what you've got.

For the geography-minded, Eureka Valley is here: