I am not sure if my point was clear enough with the Green Acres reference.
The thing is that if anybody is planning on retreating to a few acres and toughing it out while the economy collapses by becoming subsistence farmers, then they had better have a pretty decent set of skills already.

However, if you want to practice gardening, and have no land, now might be a good time to approach some owners of vacant lots.
They might like work out a deal to start an allotment garden on their property. They would likely be willing to rent cheap just so they don't have to pay the taxes all by themselves. (or pay for weed control)
Your biggest gain will likely be from reduced entertainment costs rather than reduced grocery bills or flower sales though.

I think that the idea of just running away to the country is a nice fantasy, but that it really is just a fantasy.
I think the way to weather economic bad times is to try to stay debt free and try to keep some income happening.

When was the last time you did a household budget?
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.