Hmmm...I gotta call a foul on Tito's, never found it to be worth the hype or the wait. Johnnies does have a very good reputation but I've never tried it.

The Hat is a small chain of restaurants, one of which is on Lake Avenue in Pasadena, unfortunately there is no actual body of water involved.

Funny but to someone not in IT I would think you'd want to avoid places like Fry's, cause that's what you do at work all day but when I was a photographer I did visit camera stores while on vacation so I guess it's all good.

The only other issue with Fry's has been brought up earlier, having to do with the quality of some of their merchandise. Are their prices worth the aggravation of getting a defective gadget?


"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen