Martin, can you give me a minute ?

I voted for keeping the LTS, but even that is not satisafctory enough for me.

You see , ETS is not only a place to get together and discuss, it is also an on-line library of some kind. In it I have found some very interesting info and insights and I am sure many others have done the same.

To be better as a "library" I was always hoping for someday that DR or moderators would add another sub-forum and another and another. I wiahed for a subforum on :

- Health
- Gardening
- Alternate energy ( solar, wind ..etc. )

Yes, the search function can help us dig such threads among the endless pages , but a more structured and better organized forum was much better at presenting such subjects and better at helping us finding what we need.

During my memebership time, I was amazed to see things develop in such a direction (structure-wise) and even today I am still amazed. The vote here is to keep or kill lTS, but no one votes on keeping or killing another sub-forum which seems like ( picture gallery and to some extent the book borrowing section) . For the number of stickies you have in the first two sub-forums, you could add the threads in these last two as stickies, and no one will notice the disappearance of those microscopic sections

I know, this is not what you are complaining about . It is totally different stuff. I know. But this is how I see it from my angle.

Flaming and nasty stuff can be filtered using the help of a few more moderators. Is that what you are asking about ? I can dare propose the names of Blast, Susan , Izzy, and Benjamin are among the many members who can help greatly.
Many others are out there too.

My proposal here is to shift this subject from a vote on LTS, to a more comprehensive discussion of the restructring of ETS sub-forums.