Looks like i'm probably going to a Microsoft's geek conference in May and its in LA this year. I've been to LA in the past, but more of flying into LAX then going somewheres other then LA for those visits.

What is there to do in LA, and in particular around the LA Convention Center for a full week? This is of course outside of all the activities that make up the conference ;-)

Looking for shopping (the twins will be born by then so probably need a baby store or two), anything outdoors related (REI, etc), electronics, etc.

Did some looking and found a 'shopping thing' (not sure if its a mall or not) called 'the groves'. Looks to be like 30-40 blocks or so from the Convention Center. Seems like the city is a spread out from the look of it on google maps.

Any 'good' shopping there (not talking about Rodeo Drive... yes I watched Pretty Woman!)? Don't mind spending the $$$ for either cabs or renting a car. Ideas?

"One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"
William of Ockham (1285-1349)