What do you think about a braid of jute attached to the keychain for tinder?
Sorry Mike, I donīt know. I havenīt had opportunity to test a juta yet. I think that any tinder carried on your keychain should be waterproof (or at least sealed), should easily catch sparks and turn them into the flame; should burn long enough and should not be toxic/dangerous. At least these are my personal requirements that a tinder has to meet before it is carried on my keychain or elswhere.
I have been carying two AMK Tinder-Quicks (when in the city) closed in a small plastic reclosable zip bag (in my pocket). When I go trail running to the forest or hiking etc. I carry one Tinder-Quick and several small cubes of high melting point wax. It depends on the weather and circumstances but wherever I go (except for the swimming pool
) I carry at least two AMK Tinder-Quicks along with my ferrocerium fire starter.
I will have to find a way how to attach my tinder to the keychain carabiner. Maybe I will have to look for some kind of lighweight capsule.