My brother was using his step-stool to take get some lumber off his garage rafters. When he stepped up he clanged his noodle on the garage door track. It is one of those 1920's East Coast garages where the track is only about 6 1/2 feet off the ground. Needless to say he was seeing stars. As a matter of fact he had to leave work early that night, he only lasted about two hours. The very next day he and I were in the Big Orange Home Improvement Store. We saw they were selling hard hats sporting the logo of our favorite NFL team. He snatched one up. Now every time he thinks about looking up into the rafters on goes the helmet. He has since bonked his noggin a few times without incident. While it has almost turned into a running gag, it is greatly appreciated when I remind him to put on the helmet.
"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor