I think Pete is referring to what it is against. Even black leather, not so much. I grew up spending the weekends that weren't in the woods or on the range with my grandfather at craft shows- I would go with a dull jewel tone felt (think HIGH END pool table) for backing, or maybe something like a nice cotton weave that has been slightly draped (that is cheap- decent bed sheets can be made to work). Nothing too bright or shiny, but you don't want pastels. A warm grey, maybe, but not pure white or black, and not leather. At least if she's planning on doing the shows.

Just my humble opinion. I haven't done the shows for 20 years.

And I'd like to go with something sca mentioned- broader web presence. Deviant Art has a MASSIVE membership and is just about every kind of media you can imagine. I know Elfwood is still around, but they aren't what they were five years ago.

Edited by ironraven (03/19/09 10:03 PM)
Edit Reason: web presence good

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.