The work is very nice and she is very talented. I do have a suggestion that might present her work with a little more sophistication. Her work is very reminiscent of scrimshaw and think that if she could use either a natural or synthetic material using her artistic technique, the items may have a greater marketability. For natural materials look to bone, reclaimed ivory from piano keys and tagua nut (aka vegetable ivory). I work with several artists in Ecuador who use tagua nut to make jewelry, which I bring back with me to sell as part of a social and economic development project. Here is a link to a company that markets tagua beads, etc, for craft use Tagua Nut Ivory . I have seen on Ebay, reclaimed ivory piano keys for craft use and several companies sell mammoth ivory/bone for craft use. There are a number of companies that sell resin materials (synthetic replacement for whale/elephant ivory) for craft use. Custom work would also expand her potential sales base.
