When I would fly fish -- which is far from survival fishing -- I would lose many. It really depends on your environment and if you are fishing with bait that needs to appear to move (like a minnow, spoon or Rapala lure. You will probably lose more in the act of casting with a rod but in many situations a rod (with ferrules) can help you get un-snagged.

If you are just dipping the bait on a stick or a hand reel or setting out bait to sit while you go do something else, you probably won't lose that many hooks (if your knots are good). However, if you have many hooks, you can set many hooks even on one line and increase your odds. In short, more hooks is better.

I always found sinkers didn't like being casted either but again, this probably won't be a factor in a survival situation. Sinkers and floats can always be improvised from rocks and sticks. Hooks are harder.

Finally, my experience is mostly with western trout rivers and streams. Those that fish in lakes (for bass) or in salt water may have a different take on this.
-- David.