A little California history only your moderator would know.
In 1947 one George Van Tassel showed up in Landers CA and bought a local geologic oddity, a 7 story boulder. This boulder was known locally as--wait for it-BIG ROCK.
George built a cafe with landing strip and started having encounters with space men, visions and rides to other planets.
He also started holding conventions for 20 years, sort of a precurser to Burning Man and generator of income for his cafe.
My new niegbhors seem to be members of
http://www.sandandaseagles.com/index.htmlthe group that continues George's work.
Yes, I really think I'll invite them to contribute to ETS and exchange knowledge.
My cat Piewacket talked with Michael Rennie's spirit last night and got the O.K.
Klatu Barada Nikto- moderator out