I understand about losing your keys and everything with them.
It has happened to me enough times that I have spare house and car keys in my wallet. ( a spare key is astonishingly useful when you lock your keys inside the car in the ignition)

Your choices are good.

I tend to be more into distributed carry though.
I have everything listed, but not all in one pocket.
(and I still have to deal with the "kid robbing a cookie jar" look)

One thing I am blessed with is living in a climate where having a jacket is normal even if you are not actually wearing it at the time, even during the summer.
This gives a set of extra pockets and in my case some zippers that I can attach zipper pull items to.(like the compass)

The big one, as you say, is the light. for me that is not so bad, especially in town.
The cheapest and smallest LED that can hang off a zipper or get lost in a pocket. The only problem is to make sure it can not be turned on by accident and go dead on you.

Edited by scafool (03/11/09 12:33 AM)
Edit Reason: pruning
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.