I didn't see any mention of sanitation. If you live where water pressure for flushing depends upon power, or if for some other reason the water pipes or plumbing don't work, you'll be glad you made at least rudimentary provision for the inevitable.

A 5 gallon bucket lined with two trash bags at a time is the minimum.

If at all possible one bucket for solid waste and one for liquid waste makes disposal easier.

Although the radio news, here, announced that sources of sawdust are drying up because the saw mills are idle, a bucket of sawdust or cedar litter, or even kitty litter with a scoop kept beside the solid waste bucket are a good start for a compost toilet.

Diaper wipes from the big box store and a pump bottle of hand sanitizer and plenty of rolls of TP and any other type of necessary sanitary supplies will go a long way to making your SIP healthier and more comfortable.

Philip - we're not far from you, and we pray that if the big quake shakes us all that there's no fire! (Please, God!!!)

Edited by Cjoi (03/05/09 08:40 AM)