A few years ago, ETS received a 'cease and desist' letter from representatives for Aron Ralston. Readers will recall Aron was the solo hiker who amputated his own forearm.
Aron turned misfortune into publicity and a book deal, something many would give their right arm for in our culture.
But in doing so, Aron forgot that PUBLICITY by it's nature demands public reaction. The 'genie was out of the bottle.'
911 calls are a TAXPAYER funded service. They are not subsidised by later commercial use. There is no disclaimer or waiver of my right to privacy recorded before I speak to an operator.
Societies have ALWAYS held limits to information; from secret initiation rights into wo/manhood to the confessional and non disclosure agreements of employment.Celebrities are fighting for a balance between publicity and papparrazi flying overhead trying to photograph a pair of exposed breasts.
I'd comment further, but a pair of young lady scientologists are knocking on doors. My APT complex has a sign posted warning of tresspassing, but they seem to have ignored it. Dropping my jeans and BVDS as the bell rings.