But specifically I was asking about bob bags, shtf bags, etc that are designed to be used only in a survival situation. I guess also beyond that, I am asking about s.e.r.e. kits and the mindset in general about wanting to "go commando" in a survival situation vs "be found". I suppose the former is what I think of when I hear folks talk about survival gear/bags/kits in camo and drab colors.

Ok, if you're asking specifically about an "uh-oh" BOB then I guess brightly colored gear would be an advantage as long as you want to draw attention. I remember the story of an experienced hiker who slipped on a mountain trail, tumbled a couple of hundred yards down a steep slope and ended up paralyzed at the bottom of a ravine. He was wearing camo and because he broke his spine there was no way he could move or do anything. The SAR helicopter flew by several times and missed him. He was only found two days later, in bad shape but still alive. So camo is definitely a disadvantage in an extreme case like that and you have a good point there.

By and large though, I can see a lot of potential survival situations (like public disturbance or some disaster causing widespread panic) where I'd much rather get away from the crowds and maintain a low profile. I've experienced first-hand once how people can turn hostile when things go wrong. In general, most folks will not be prepared when disaster strikes. If you happen to be prepared yourself when nobody else around you has the gear and supplies, they might want you to "share" your belongings with them. In a situation like that I'd rather go some place remote and sit it out until the crisis was over. So I guess there's no right or wrong answer. A lot depends on your environment and the people you're dealing with.