Just the usual for south Florida...out of power (for up to several weeks) multiple times due to various hurricanes, proper planning reduced impact of extremely long gas lines and loss of utility power & water caused by the storms.
Helped neighbors, family and friends deal with windstorm damage to houses and neighborhood cleanup efforts.
Several times was stuck on the Florida Turnpike heading home due to various sports events held at the Joe Robbie / Pro Player Stadium (or what ever it is named this year) as well as traffic accidents preventing traffic flow with no exit in sight for several hours in one case. Had several books to read while waiting (in my comfortable and portable folding chair) with water to drink and various food available in the vehicle. It was really great to be able to sit and relax while most other drivers were stressing out.
Have helped out various friends / family / co-workers over the years with many items from my assorted emergency kits on numerous ocassions,ranging from jump starts, flat tire issues, battery cleaning etc. to emergency repairs of ripped clothing, shoe repairs, bandaids, headache relief, loans of flashlights and the like.