For me it's partly the convenience. I use a bread-making machine so it's no effort, and I keep a stockpile of ingredients on hand because they last much longer than the cooked bread. Then I can get some fresh bread without leaving the house.

I do think I save money, but that's not why I do it. I also think the quality of home-made bread is better than the cheaper shop-bought stuff, and is at least a known quantity because I know what I put in it.

There is also an element of "survival" to it. A few years ago we had a fuel strike, and after a week the supermarkets had run out of bread, and it was nice not to be affected by that. It will matter more in a more serious crisis. (I also have some rice and pasta stockpiled, but variety is good.)

Basically, once I got the machine, I quickly got into the habit of buying flour etc instead of buying bread. And then it's easier to make bread then make another trip to the shops. It's not like, eg, the traditional toasted sandwich-maker where there's nothing driving you to use it so it ends up not getting used. I've been using the break-maker for about 9 years now.
Quality is addictive.