Thanks Andrew, I just looked and you are right.
Section 3 of the federal act listing prohibited weapons does not say anything about blade length, though it does specify some styles of knives.

I might have made a mistake, or it might be Provincial or municipal.
Either way I stand corrected and thanks for pointing it out.

However, Dean, people have been charged with prohibited weapons just for carrying a buck knife.
There is also a charge of "Possession of weapon for a purpose dangerous to public peace" which lets them charge you with anything as a weapon, even a folded newspaper, based on intent.

So think about what Andrew said at the end about how you carry, why you carry and where you carry that toad sticker.

Maybe the best way to answer is say, "Ask yourself if you would stop you and question you if you were a cop."

Edited by scafool (02/28/09 02:48 PM)
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.