I'm sorry that you have a problem with someone speaking out against you but look at your posts. You got a lot of attention as a result. That's why I am here. This site came up first in a search for "Aron Ralston". You made the comment right on your page "Aron Ralston Threatens Doug Ritter" What did he do? Pull out his pocket knife and point it at you? A more realistic title would have been Aron Ralston's Lawyer brings law suit against ETS. The one you have is a little dramatic don't you think? And then reply to the lawyer in such an incredibly ridiculous fashion "stick it where the sun don't shine" Come on Doug. Then you state
"A reminder that this is a Family Friendly web site and that profanity and personal attacks on forum members are not acceptable. Let's keep the discussion of Aron Ralston on a civil level." You're not setting a very good example. I won't be posting or bothering with this site any more. It's one thing to have a healthy discussion, even if it is a disagreement, it's another to act the way several of the people on this list are acting. I have enough children of my own I don't need to argue with more. This has been a waste of my time and obviously yours as well. You won't even have a civil conversation with me. I'm sorry and I won't bother you again.