It may very well be that you've missed the opportunity to get them started with the proper respect. My brother and I were pyros, and we lit all kinds of fires growing up, some got out of control, some we were darned lucky we survived. Had I known then what I know now about some of the things I was doing, I would never have taken such risks. My parents had the attitude that out of sight was out of mind, and so long as we didn't cause trouble, they never really cared what we did. On the occasions where we did cause trouble, we went to the woodshed, but that was never an effective deterrent. All it did was teach us not to get caught doing bad things.

What helped me keep my kids from following the same path was to engage them, to take them out shooting, and have them clean the firearms for an hour or so afterwards, and show them what a bullet can do to a watermelon, or a jug of water, or a 2 x 4 so they get some perspective. More importantly, we have a good long talk about the rules and expectations, so they have no question in their mind about what is and isn't acceptable. I also kept an eye on them when I could. Same with making fire. Show them what a cup of gas does when thrown on the fire, take away some of the fascination and turn it into more of a chore. They become proficient and respectful.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)