Well, I've had the clearance for 6 years now, and nothing I know of about that status or anything has changed, or I'd be dealing with issues at work right now as well. I put in a call to HR and security, just in case. We'll see if I get an answer from them any quicker.

I'll have to look into this BATF ID number thing. I don't like the notion of further self-registration with the feds, makes me feel like a mark. Also, it shouldn't be necessary; they've got over a 30 year history of me purchasing firearms. If they don't know who I am by now, how can one more number make any difference? I am certified to teach hunter's education, I apply for a hunting license every year, I pay over a third of my income in taxes to them, which they never seem to forget who I am on that count. How is it they suddenly seemed to forget who I am? Maybe I won't file an income tax statement this year, and see how long it takes them to figure out what my current status is.

Lame excuse for more bureaucratic BS.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)