Falcon's right on about the CWP for Colorado and the non-qualification for the Background check. I maintained my Colorado residency for the past four years while traveling, keeping my driver's license and vehicle license and registration in Colorado at a valid address. When I bought the gun in Florida, I was still paying state income tax to Colorado in addition to using my valid CO license as ID for the gun purchase in Florida, so everything about that purchase was based on my qualification as a Colorado resident. Why is it, now that I am back in Colorado, I am somehow now no longer valid?

I hate this "We can't discuss it over the phone with you" BS. They won't even talk to me in person if I went to their office. Once they've made the mistake, you are automatically trapped in their bureaucracy. No accountability, no matter the impact, you just send them your appeal notice and wait for them to send you something back, eventually. Then all they have to say is that the appeal is denied, no other explanation is necessary on their part, and the clock starts all over again, only now you probably have to hire an attorney and go to court to get the records opened or some such.

We shall see just how far down the garden path I have to be led before I give up and start hacking my way around them and just find an alternative. If I was smarter, I would probably already have chosen that option now, but I am trying to play by the rules and be a good "model citizen" and at least try and get some value for my tax dollars by doing it there way. Most likely, it is an exercise in futility, but I am curious as to what cards they think they are holding. I suppose it is worth it to go a couple more rounds on the pot with them just so I can find out and pass what I learn along to others.

Our society comes up with these great altruistic notions and builds these little frankensteins and then turns them loose, with no idea what they will really do once they are empowered and have a life of their own.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)