I am not in Denver proper. I live in one of the suburbs to the south. Apparently there's no problem for others to purchase these guns here as by the end of the day Saturday someone else came in and bought the thing.

So the question is, what records have they got screwed up now. I was able to buy an extended magazine shotgun in Florida in August using my Colorado credentials (I found out that a sporting goods chain with a store located in your state of residence can do the background check for out of state purchases as if you were standing in the store near where you legally reside). They called it in and cleared me in a day then, so what changed? I don't get it, but I am going to find out.

Yes, I could find a job in Texas. I'd have to get divorced to live there, as it would be easier to pull a good molar with my leatherman than to get the wife out of Colorado now. If I were to leave, I'd most likely head back to West Texas where I am originally from. Not much out there (anyone seen the movie "No Country for Old Men"?), but I know that dirt well. Everyone's got guns out there.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)