Some of you might remember I was looking for a small folding knife and/or multitool a while back. Well, I'm still looking for a smallish folder kind of (and I have pretty much settled for the Benchmite... now I just have to justify spending 30$ on yet another knife!

) In the meantime though I bought a Leatherman Squirt P4 and I just want to say I'm really happy with it.
I keep a Leatherman Wave in my backpack so it's basically within reach about 90% of the time. But there are times when I'm either too lazy to reach for it or need to fix something small right on the spot. That's exactly when the Squirt comes in really handy.
I wasn't sure at first whether such a tiny multitool could handle any kind of "serious" work. Had it not been for the positive feedback on this board and a few other places online I wouldn't have bought it. When I got the Squirt I was impressed by the build quality but still not totally convinced it would stand up to everyday chores.
A couple of weeks later I'm pretty sure it was money well spent. I've used it for all kinds of stuff, from tightening screws and bolts to disassembling a cellphone and fixing various electronic equipment. I actually find it more practical for smaller tasks requiring a bit of finesse. It won't replace the Wave for sure but as a gentleman's folder on steroids it's a great little multitool... And I can legally carry it even in places where larger/locking folders are prohibited.
In fact, I've been thinking about getting another Squirt for my girlfriend. At first I was meaning to get her a small SAK but the Squirt just seems to offer a lot more bang for the buck in exactly the same size range. Are the scissors on the S4 as good as the pliers? If yes, I'll go for it.