Well, I just called the store and it is still there. Looks like I am going to be making a trip tonight or first thing in the am.

The price is right. I don't expect it will get any better any time soon. I am sure I could resell it quickly and for quite a bit more than I am going to be paying for it, so not too worried about that right now. I haven't seen prices for rifles like this one below the $1,000 mark for years, so no expectation that the market will fall, but more likely it will go up in time as the threat of more gun legislation ripens with the present administration. As this is not an impulse purchase, or a panic reaction to rumors, but something I've contemplated for a while, just never had the opportunity setup quite like it is now, I am reasonably sure there won't be any buyer's remorse. Had they told me it was gone, I would've shrugged and moved on. By making it a Karmic outcome, it really eliminates the stress of having to make a decision. I like being able to blame the universe for my folly sometimes.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)