You bring up a good point. If you buy a gun at a decent price you're only going to loose so much money if you change you mind and want to sell it. I've always sold higher than I've bought at but I've never tried to turn one over quickly either.

My vote (seriously) is to buy it if it's a decent price. I always see more clearly the day after a big purchase and either regret it or am glad I did it. In this case the financial penalty for buying and then regretting it is probably very small. I would bet that you're glad you did it after the fact unless you really wanted something nicer and are settling. (I've done that a time or two.)

Good luck & happy hunting!
"There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother." -Theodore Roosevelt