A bit off topic but I just browsed that website and found this little "gem" on the Useless Weapons page:
http://www.paxtonquigley.com/useless_weapons.htmlKnife from $9 to $299
The knife is not useful for self-defense because it has no stopping power - in many fights 20 to 30 knife wounds have to be inflicted before the opponent will stop coming at you.
PROS - Deadly in the hands of professionals (on both sides of the law).
CONS - If you're thinking about defending yourself with a knife, you better have won some knife fights or it'll be taken from you in a heartbeat.
For the record, I have absolutely no idea who Paxton Quigley is but the above is, well, ridiculous. Sure, a knife may not be a good self-defense weapon for a lot of people. But that thing about a sharp blade having "no stopping power" really says it all.
If I were you, I'd just take everything Mrs. Quigley says with a big grain of salt.
And yes, a door wedge of any kind is at best only as good as the door itself. Which in practice means you'd be better off looking for some more effective solution.