Our fearless leader Chris once said something about using his fixed blade to cut horses loose when they get stuck - or something like that.
I really wish fixed blades were more - ah - socially acceptable. Even my mini Rittergrip gets comments all too often. I don't worry about it too much, but I KNOW that wearing a fixed blade to my typical engineering/office cube-packed work place would quickly lead to a call from HR.
This morning, on Fox News, they said they are having survivor week. They had a story of a mom who slid her van/SUV into a pond with two kids in the back. She said her first thought was not to hit sideways and flip - they she'd rather go in upright. The photo they showed had the water up to the roofline.
Next she said that she focused on getting the power windows open. She got the gids out (one a baby & the other maybe 4 years old), - carrying both of them - swam to the shore (she'd worked as a life guard), climbed out on the muddy bank, and walked about 1/10 mile to a nearby home.