Originally Posted By: Brangdon
Originally Posted By: haertig
Originally Posted By: ratbert42
Has there ever been a society that's attempted to ban knives to this extent? I can't imagine there has.

England. If they're not there already, they've got to be getting mighty close by now. I think they were talking about banning kitchen knives with points on them. I don't know if that ever became law.
It didn't. It wasn't even seriously proposed (eg in Parliment, or by a politician who could actually do something about it); it was just a crazy idea from a doctor put out to draw attention to some report or other, which the media picked up on and sensationalised in order to provoke their readership. British law is quite specific that short, folding knives are de-facto tools rather than weapons.

Slipjoints only. Anything with a lock is a no no.