I have a jacket made of similar material (I think). Polartec Windbloc Fleece.


It is an awesome jacket. When I got it I thought, boy this thing is too thin to do much of anything. I was very wrong. It is 100% windproof - no draft gets through at all. Mine is very breathable. And the warmth is much better than other softshells I have. Plus, it's very soft and doesn't feel stiff like some of the other softshells. I have worn it in light rain and it's kept me dry. But those times were only short duration light rain. I wouldn't expect it to survive a heavy deluge.

This Polartec Windbloc is my go-to jacket unless it's terribly cold outside. Then I grab my tough-as-nails Carhartt. It's kind of like this one, but not exactly (mine has lots more pockets):


The Carhartt is about as heavy as my truck, and built like it too. But it is warm as all get-out and just feels like you couldn't cut it or rip it no matter how hard you tried.

p.s. - Oh yeah, wind doesn't get through that Carhartt either. Nor rain. Nor snow. Nor dirt. Nor horse slobber. I doubt knives or bullets would even make it very far!

Edited by haertig (02/05/09 03:51 AM)
Edit Reason: Added p.s.