SAR was right on schedule imho - she sounds very reliable, her roommate reported her overdue. You can't take any time out to wait to see what happens, not with the number of wackos running around out there.

The video at the URL is a great 8 minute object lesson for Scouts and anyone who hikes - what went wrong, what she did in response, what went right. She travelled with a bivvy/hammock, which was great, and what has been discussed in this forum as something good to have Just In Case, it made for a more comfortable night. She didn't have a watch, or a signalling device (whistle), or a match or lighter - basic essentials. I bet she doesn't leave a trailhead ever again without them. She wasn't out there walking unprepared though, she had the goods to spend the night.

Good going, she kept her head, didn't panic, and she had a plan for rescue. She was after all only 10 miles from a trail head, although in wet and cold that can be enough to go the other way. A textbook, good weather dayhike self-rescue.

Edited by Lono (02/03/09 03:29 PM)