Basically it flat as a board between where I work and live. City the entire way. Not the greatest neighborhoods near work, but after 2-3 miles it is all basic middle class area. I'd expect to be following the canal path for a good portion of the trip. I have traveled the path on bike. The entire city is pretty much a grid of N/S and E/W streets. The as the crow flies distance between work and home is only 2.5 miles less than actual driving distance.

As far as resources go, its a city. We do have a few canals that I could use to refill water with and I would be following one for most of the last half of the trip. There are several 'lakes' in housing developments along the way as well, but I'd be hesitant to drink from them without a good filter at the least (I have one in the car, but I don't lug it around).

I have a hat in the main pack. I have TP in the car and some here at the office that I could grab if I was walking, but I figure I can get by with the wipes for the time it takes me to get home. I don't have a radio - need to fix that. I have a streets guide and an az map in main pack (not shown), but they are really not needed. There really isn't much for surprises terrain wise and I know the area very well.

The Pocket Ref, well, I actually use it as my 'book of last resort' for reading material. That plus its handy. I'd not be carrying it home with me in an emergency (nor some of the other stuff for that matter).