Do I EDC a CPR mask and gloves? Short answer: No. But, I do have a FAK in my car, and my backpack has a CPR mask (when I have it with me). There's a thread somewhere where a lot of us posted our FAK's.

So you're probably asking why I don't carry stuff. First, I'm an EMT, so you'd think I should. And for a time I did carry a mask on my keychain. But it was big and bulky, and never got used. With the recent changes in CPR (in the US at least), they're really going away from the mouth-to-mouth part, and just doing compressions till EMS arrives. If I happen to stop in my car, then I have the equipment for an extended full arrest, but if I'm just around town, I figure I can push on a chest for the 5 or so minutes till EMS arrives. The lungs, btw, do have quite a bit of air that we don't use, which is why the no-breathing methods still work.

As for why I don't wear gloves, it's cuz most of the time, you aren't exposed to things. Intact skin is a great barrier to infection (or else we'd all be dead a week after being born). Unless there's body fluids everywhere, or the person has some raging skin/lung infection, I just don't worry about it. Hand washing is pretty much all one needs to avoid transmission. Even then, if someone's blood or vomit or saliva hits my hand, as long as I don't have a cut or scrape in that area, I still don't freak much.

I can't tell you why, but as an EMT on an ambulance it was gloves on every patient. But in the ER, it was "as needed." Probably cuz we had access to hand foam and sinks immediately, whereas on the ambulance we'd wait a half hour until we dropped the patient off to wash off.

Anyway, after 12 years of EMS, I still haven't caught anything nasty. Probably can blame a few colds on patients, but that's a mask thing. YMMV.