I can understand that point of view quite well. Two years ago my Grandmothers husband was moved into an assisted living facility. Pretty bad dementia. Anyway she was moving into a smaller place and needed to get rid of a lot of stuff. She invited me to go through his tools and see if there was anything that I wanted. I think I walked away with close to 300 pounds of old, well used and well cared for hand tools that I will keep and use. The one thing that I really don't have the space or use for is an old hand auger and a ton of bits. I knew she would be sending a lot to the junk dump. I just wanted to find this really nice tool a home. Someday I will. I'd even give it to someone who was going to use it on a regular basis.
I particulary like using the small hand ax. This thing has got to have some stories behind it, I'll just never know what they are.
If it ain't bleeding, it doesn't hurt.