Or maybe we should just squeeze the oil out of nuts.

The Odessy. Beowulf. Gilgamesh. They all are heavy on violence. I don't think that the medium of entertainment is any more to blame than any other tool for the actions of the mentally unbalanced. It's like saying that the Cantabury Tales made kids have sex, but there are plenty of naughty bits in that. We might say that violent entertainment of any form makes it more likely, but then you've just killed about half of the basic stories out there. Get rid of sex, and you are down to pious pontification. Yuck.

Perhaps we should just make crime illegal? Ban criminals and crazies? Or at least require they be stored in a secure location?

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.