Originally Posted By: scafool

Uhuh, and a new rifle in 1780 would have cost more than 2 English Pounds. (Dollars were not current yet.)
That was way more than most people made in a month back then.
I can buy a new rifle today for less than a 2 day's wages

By 1870 mass production had lowered the prices, but repeating rifles were still extremely expensive compared to how much the would cost in labor now.

Arguing prices based on commodities like gold is not very good. Metals fluctuate a lot in value.
Gold was cheap enough at one point that they actually used it as currency.

1780? Did you forget the minute men? Everyone had some sort
of weapon in their home. Probably not a Brown Bess, most likely swords and such then.
Course in Briton the banning of such being owned by the common
folk and the abuses they suffered because they couldn't
defend themselves, is likely what led to the USA's 2nd amendment.

You could buy a new rifle at sears at the turn of the last
century for a $5 gold piece. That $5 gold piece would buy you
a rifle today too. Probably 5 days wages for a manual laborer.

Many states have long had
homesteading laws that allow you to keep at least one firearm after bankruptcy, it was considered so important.

My Grandad sent lever action rifles and ammo to Britain in WW2
so citizens could defend themselves after being disarmed in the previous years. A mechanic, he was by no means rich.

Violent crime rates appear to me to follow economic trends.
Less desperation, less crime.