I've been periodicaly 'messing' with my original bag for the past year. my observations are anecdotal from the field:The field being my car and the high desert in winter with snowfall.
My bag is just about ready for honourable retirement. It's neat repackaging long degenerated into a rough semblance of it's new self, much like bread dough rising overnight. It certainly dooesn't wiegh more, just less portable in volume. But then, my tarp has never folded back to it's factory packaging either, and it's two dimensional.
People have asked about 'noise.' Yes, it sort of crinkles when you roll around eating crackers. But I have this funny physical quirk- when I am asleep I don't hear much short of a growling in my ear (my cat wanting to be fed at 4 A.M. lately.)I had this college roommate, biology major who had all those old ENVIRONMENTS LPs. You remember them? There was a relaxing thunderstorm, loons on a lake, cicadas on a summer,southern night.I could never sleep until that lousy LP was done playing. Nature can be noisy,This bag is nothing.
I spent one night curled up in my Toyota. For car use, I'd consider the blanket form. It's amazing who walks through an apartment complex at night. I like to be able to physicaly MOVE in a urban situation.I also took advantage of a recent snowfall and my being near Edwards AFB in the desert during a snowfall.Outside temps,as in outside my survival bag measured 18 F at midnight. I was wearing my normal winter clothing- a mix of silk longjhohns and woolens.One of the side effects of these bags is a reduction of your thermal footprint. My bag is the 'army guy olive green.'I was settled down for a night in @ 1' of desert snowfall, a bed of 'organic' bedding ( dried dung of an animal I couldn't ID in my field guide, probably a chupacabra or tourist from Wisconsin.)
I was enjoying the Milky Way, when a coyote came slumming within touching distance. I said 'hello Will E. are you a forum member?' and he made tracks in total suprise.IF YOU WANT TO BE SEEN IN A EMERGENCY SITUATION buy the orange unit.
I woke up well rested, warm enough and WET. I dislike the whole vapour barrier concept. And, as soon as I crawled out all that retained sweat rapidly cooled until my ESBIT Earl GREY and oatmeal kicked in.
My thoughts? If you need an emergency bivouck and are either unwilling or unable to pack a dedicated sleeping bag, or your altuistic side plans for multiple casualties then this is the best use of this technology I have played with.It has come into wide emergency use with a good reputation.
I will be buying a replacement- assuming My tax refund I.O.U. eventualy becomes worth anything.
Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (01/25/09 02:49 AM)