Here are couple of moderately useful links. Two are FAQs related to exposure to dust and the third has tips on how to discuss this week's tragidy with children.<br><br>The AMA Web site now contains information for physicians and patients on the hazards of inhaling dust and smoke. The information was provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and can be viewed at:<br><br>Fact Sheet for the General Public: <br> <br><br>Fact Sheet for Medical Personnel: <br><br><br>In response to the tragic events unfolding in New York and Washington, D.C., the American Academy of Pediatrics has posted advice on how to communicate with children and adolescents during times of crisis on its Web site.<br><br>Read more:<br><br><br><br>Willie Vannerson<br>McHenry, IL
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL