Originally Posted By: MDinana
I have been looking at the temps where I'll be staying. It's actually been low 30s this past week, while we in MI have been, oh... hovering around 0. I have a down parka, but think that it'll probably be overkill. I will, however, be packing it and wearing it around town.

This daypack doesn't have much outside attatchment points. I might be able to juryrig something, but honestly, I'd rather put the tent outside. The sleeping bag IS down, after all. I might go buy a drysack for it too, just to be safe.

Good idea on the fleece. I'll check the local fabric shop and maybe they can help me add some nylon to one side.

As for the jacket, Sherpadog, this jacket only has "handwarmer" not "napoleon" style pockets. Unfortunately. I do have a jacket like that, but it's a rain jacket that has seriously lost it's DWR, despite repeated re-applications.

Sorry...forgot about the down bag. By the sounds of it, you need a new backpack....but don't take my word for it as I what seems to be a backpack obsession. Today I was ogling a new pack even though I just purchased another one a couple of weeks ago.

As for the glove issue, remember when you were a kid and you had gloves that were attached by a string? Just saying...explore all possibilities. smile