Originally Posted By: 7point82
My planned response to what? grin

The situation will dictate the strategy. Approaching the issue any other way (IMO) is fatally flawed.

In the end each individual is going to have to make a (hopefully enlightened) decision that fits their particular scenario. The right decision for me might not be the same as my neighbor.

I whole heartedly agree! Assess the situation before you do anything. I am not going to run out of my house if it is safer to stay in it. But when staying put creates more of a liability, then you leave. Each persons' desision will be different based on their assessment. Rantor and I as well as our loved ones have a plan. And we have a back up plan as well as a back up plan for our back up plan. If all those fail or are unfeasable, we have both been in emergency services long enough that we can think and run at the same time (works running toward or away from situations). I say assess - assess - assess then continue to assess through out the crisis / situation. Rememeber that the only thing constnat is change.
A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson