Originally Posted By: Wheels
As others suggest, keep supplies at your work place including water, batteries, spare clothing, long life foods, flashlight, radio etc.

Would funds and storeage space permit of keeping a spare wheelchair at you work place? Just in case yours suffers any damage that cant be readily repaired.

Do you need elevators to get to/from your office? If so, how will you get from your office to your van when the power goes out? Maybe your building has a back-up generator and it's not an issue, but if it is, supplies in the office which would allow you to bug-in there might be appropriate. You know the situation, your call.

[how do you get those boxes around quotes from replies?]

Regarding above: I have some gear and supplies in my office. I work on the 3rd floor mostly - we do have a back-up generator in our building but elevators go to street level and stay. We have three spare wheelchairs on site for the public. I can get up and down stairs if I have to (stayed on the 5th floor of a hotel when a fire broke out at 4 a.m. - it was their last room). We have at least one off duty police officer and at least four of our own security officers on site whenever we're here - they have police/local radios and I know them all very well. We've had a few alarm drops / bomb scares and evacs went well. I have a number of people who would remember I'm in the building.

One darkly humerous thing - We have "Areas of Rescue Assistance" in the building for those who cannot evacuate. These are most stairwell landings with additional fire protection. I thought - that's a good idea ... and it is except the intercoms from these areas go to our fire control center which is in the building! Oh boy.

On a related note - I fly a couple times a year and a talkative and honest flight attendant explained to me that if they need to evacuate the plane, I'm the last to get out. It would take too long to arrange for me to get to the exit and so on (a form of triage). Good to know, I suppose. As I thought about it, I would have written the same rule. Makes sense. Personally, I like to fly with my very strong 18 yr old son sitting next to me or, if alone, I hope to sit near some big strong friendly person.

If you click on the quote beside the reply button it gives you the quote in a box too.

You seem to have most things covered pretty well.

I might suggest a racing pennant for your chair in traffic as well as flagging your van. They make them that just slip on and some come in sections like a fishing rod.

One of the most effective styles of reflective decal I have seen was reflective tape applied in a diagonal to the rear of the vehicle.
A friend who delivers rural mail has it on her car.

Here is a link about it being applied to a bike.
The stuff they used on this bike looks like a solid colour (black) until the light hits it, then it lights up like a road sign.

Edited by scafool (01/14/09 04:19 PM)
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.