I'll reply to all so far in this post.

I like the idea of armband lights if I need to roll at night - getting run over would be bad. Also, increasing the visibility of my van (actually, two Toyota Siennas - mine and my wife's - set up the same way in terms of preparedness) is a good point; I'll look into reflective decals and maybe a flag to hang as an SOS. Also, a spotlight - birthday comin' up smile

A word about my van (2WD) - I've removed the seat behind the driver's seat and one of the way-back seats. I can move around inside easily - I have brittle bones but no spinal issues. I have blankets, sleeping bags, candles, food, Esbit sove, FAK, etc. plus shovel, road flares, tire puncture kit, air compressor, empty gas can, etc. in case my wife is with me or I get lucky in terms of a good samaritan. I have no lift - I put my chair through the left sliding door into the space created by removing a seat. I can stand briefly to do this but I can do it w/o standing if need be. I have room for some sort of compact camp toilet which I will get. The PA speaker is now also on my list to do pronto.

I have spare tubes/tools for my chair but no other spare parts - pretty expensive and since I weigh under 125 and buy very high quality, my chair simply doesn't fail (ok, now I've jinxed it). I have quick release hubs so changing a tube is easy. I have a bag/backpack for my EDC. I need to maintain a professional image for my job so my chair can't stand out in a crowd - everything is basic black. I wince enough with the chair's "quickie" name/logo on the back of the seat - real nice.

Finally, radios - I've had good luck with the CB (got me out of a jam some years ago) and the FRS is just to try to raise somebody (cheap). I don't know much about Ham but will look into it. I know some Ham operators and there have been threads here on the subject.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions so far - good stuff!