Welcome Wheels, glad to have you aboard. One of my friends was in similar circumstances as a young adult. The 2 things he did that impressed me, he hit the local motorcycle shop and got a couple tool kit bags that attach to motorcycles handlebars. They are made to attach to any round tube frame, hold quite a bit and they look cool. wink The other thing he did I thought was good pre-planning, a set of folding ramps in the back of his van. Back in those days they were pretty expensive but now a decent set can be had from outfits like auto parts stores and harbor freight tools pretty reasonable. They don't take up much space when folded, can handle several hundred pounds and can prove worth their weight in gold if you have to go somewhere the terrain is a challenge. For that matter I can think of tons of times in an emergency that a pair of strong pieces of metal could be used for braces, supports, even mini bridges for pedestrian traffic. As for some lights on the chair he went to a skate board shop and replaced the front wheels with some spiffy looking clear plastic deals with lights that flicker when they roll. (he is a bit of a character lol)