Not sure if this is on the right forum.

I'm a new guy but I've followed ETS for years. I'm fairly confident on the standard basics of being prepared but my situation is a bit unusual - I use a manual wheelchair - and I'd like your input.

My wife is able-bodied but we're not together all the time (part of the reason we've been married 25 years *smiles*) - she supports my preparedness obsession. I work in a very large public building (w/ attached parking deck) in an urban setting. I commute 10 miles each way. Winter weather in NE Ohio sucks. I drive a fair amount (east coast a few times a year, vacations, etc).

Since I'm not very mobile except on hard flat surfaces, my van (no lift) is my BOB. I have gear and supplies to last until the cavalry arrives. I have 2 cell phones (different networks), a CB, and an FRS. If I'm home I'll opt to bug-in unless forced out. I take no meds and need no special accomodations beyond the completely obvious.

Basically I rely on good communication, always having my vehicle nearby, and the ability to wait it out. Any suggestions?