I frequently fly with a test tube sized spray bottle of hand sanitizer that I picked up at Walgreen's. At 10ml it's well under the 3-oz. size limit allowed in carry-ons. (now is the time to use your new conversion calculators!)

I know current regulations require one to carry all your liquids in a ziploc and pull them out and put them in the tray for the TSA to easily see. However, I've forgotten more than once and the TSA never notices it.

This sanitizer is a liquid as opposed to the gel sanitizer that was tested above and it includes Aloe and vitamin E. The active ingredient listed is 65% ethyl alcohol. After giving it a test, I'd say much of the non-active 45% may be water. It would not sustain a flame on its own. Things would pop and sizzle and the flame would get bigger, but once the match was pulled away, everything would stop.
-- David.