Ok...no one home and time for kitchen counter experimenting with some of the suggestions in this thread. Draw your own conclusions and do your own testing. I would be interested to see if anyone has different results.
Part # 11) Neopsorin (generic brand)
A dollop of cream on a good plate. I could not get this to light no matter how many matches I put to it. Maybe it is because it is the generic type...however it has all the same ingredients as the brand name Neopsorin...
Next up Hand Sanitizer (Thanks Blast, I like it). This one was the best.
It burns with a nice blue flame...and hot.
Next is Vaseline. It would not light on it's own.
However swabbing a couple of Q-Tips with Vaseline works.
The same Q-Tips did not light after they were sprinkled with water.
Mouthwash...had some unknown words on it so I thought I would give it a try...no flames with this though.
Aftershave...some old forgotten bottle of Stetson
It burns hotter then the hand sanitizer.
Back to the Vaseline, This time a bit of old 100% cotton t-shirt was coated and it caught fairly easy.