Originally Posted By: sotto
If I could just interrupt this discussion for a brief moment and mention a recent discovery:

In addition to candles as one of humankind's all-time greatest inventions, I would like to add pencils. I like using them cuz, well, I'm a traditionalist at heart, and I like shoving them into my little electric sharpener. A moment ago, a light bulb went off in my head, and I emptied the little catch-tray in the sharpener of it's contents of pencil shavings. It proved to be an excellent tinder. I don't know if I've ever heard of anyone suggesting that as a resource. I imagine a little pile of pencil shavings and some Chapstick, suntan oil, hairspray, paint thinner, lighter fluid, or acetone wipe would make even better tinder.

Back to your previously scheduled programming. cool

Lot of people carry a pencil sharpener in the kit. Works just fine on pencil sized twigs and you can save the pencil for writing.

Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation