Regarding bars, I have tried Mainstay and (lemon, raspberry and vanilla) Millennium and I believe both are good.
There are a couple other flavors for the Millennium bars, like Orange if I recall. I have been using them for hiking, and I have a bunch in each car for backup. They actually taste pretty good to me, but, I'm usually eating one when I am on a trail taking a break from hours of hiking, so that may affect my perception on quality and taste

Any earlier post mentioned the Survival GP-I ration. They were designed to be an ejection seat ration for the USAF. They are supposed to keep you alive for 5 days under all survival conditions.(That's pretty open ended eh?) The Natick Army Labs are up here in Massachusetts, and they test all this stuff in some pretty amazing simulated conditions. My brother worked there for a while... oh the stories about the stuff that didn't work out... I'd tell you, but, then I'd have to kill you